Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lamenting and Knitting. Nina's Coffee Cafe, St. Paul

I've got maybe two friends--yeah, two--that I talk to. One of them, we were lovers for a while. The second is just a friend. We talk about what's going on rather than, you know. When I see him, it's always about what you've been doing, not who you've been doing.

1: I thought this was a knitting circle.

: We haven't begun yet. We were talking about you. Was I rude to you on the phone?

: You weren't rude on the phone. Do you know how often I use that tone? I've learned not to answer the phone. Especially in the middle of a diaper change ... This is the yarn I got at Target for a dollar a skein. Don't tell anyone. A dollar a skein.

: Target has yarn?

: In their dollar bin.

: Where's their dollar bin?

: Right by the door, to the right. When was the last time you were at Target?

: 15 minutes ago. I know my Targets. That's why I'm looking at you like you're crazy. Which Target are we talking about here?

: Midway. Right on University, near Snelling, or Hamline. Right on University.

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